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Fabu Pires


Fabu Pires (BR/FI) is a multidisciplinary artist born in Taubaté, a city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, in 1978. He lives and works in Helsinki, Finland. Fabu Pires' work is an ingenious mix and match of images and colors from our globalized culture. Always looking to emphasize the intrinsic, visceral and instinctive notion of creating art. “Everything is intuitive, of course, basically, intuitiveness can become experimental.” His artistic practice is a continuous summary of his experiences lived in the urbanity of city streets and his family roots coming from the countryside.
Fabu is currently carrying out studies on syncretism. His works are a junction or mixture of cults or religious doctrines, philosophies, ideologies, social systems or globalized cultural elements. Brazilian roots, life in Finland. What does homeland or roots mean and how do they appear in us? How do cultures merge and what changes in us when we integrate into a foreign culture? People your age often talk about how their childhoods were and how games were more creative because technology wasn't developed in the same way yet and we had to create our games on a larger scale. Creativity is not going to disappear, even if the world is changing. Instead, nature and many species are on the verge of disappearing. People, nature, animals and other references that the artist uses in works communicate symbolically, for example. about freedom, community, fear and survival, but they also talk about how important it is for us to connect and be part of the whole. Because the whole is always in constant transformation. We are all in this together; nature, people and animals and we create our future here collectively. Multiculturalism, equality and the kindness with which we can meet each other were important themes in his previous projects and he will be continuing to work on these themes in my future projects as well.


The artist is also known for his contribution to artistic research, working actively in reception centres, family homes, with children and young people of immigrant origin in Finland since 2014. In 2011, he founded the multicultural art collective "Fuse Art Collective", where one of the objectives of which was to promote interculturality. The art collective participated in several artistic productions such as exhibitions and murals. He completed a professional qualification in editing and printing and published the collective's book in 2012. In 2012 also, he joined the board of directors of the gallery in Helsinki Myymälä 2, where he participated in the planning of artistic projects and curated exhibitions for 6 years. In 2018 he joined the board of Kulttuuriyhdistämö Interkult, which organizes multicultural art events across Finland and whose task is to increase cultural diversity and integration.

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